Kale Chips is Professional Pet Sitter Inc.'s May rescue dog! He made national headlines and was
featured all over the internet when he was rescued by One Tail At A Time in January. He was 85 lbs and could barely walk due to his severe obesity. Since being rescued, he has lost over 20 lbs and is well on his way to being healthy and happy.

Kale Chips has no medical issues, but he will need to go to a home that is dedicated to helping him continue to lose weight. He is not especially fond of children and is believed to be around 7-8 years old. Kale is a spirited, typical Beagle who is full of sass. He's super friendly with people, great with other dogs and likes to be outside! Kale is currently residing at One Tail At A Time. Please contact Heather if you would like more information.